

Below are some of the testimonials we've received from our Business School clients.

  • That's really outstanding!!
    Glad I finally got aboard with your guides.

    Usage Numbers: 7th October 2022- 18th January 2023.

    Manual logins: 773
    Link logins: 770
    Total 1,543

    Mark J. Brostoff- Assistant Dean and Director Graduate Career Services | USC- Marshall School of Business
  • The career center staff members feel comfortable referring students to the Workmaze guides as a reliable source of information for their career planning and job search activity. The guides are updated regularly so our staff are confident that the information provided is current and accurate. Not only that, but since our coaches serve a dual role, acting both as career coaches for students but also as relationship managers with our partner employers, the Workmaze information is a valuable tool for our staff to use as well. We consider the Workmaze products to be one of our best investments.

    Kim Austin, Executive Director, Career Management Centers (MBA, BBA, MS) | Cox School of Business, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA
  • A practical, constantly updated valuable resource for any Careers Service.

    Colin Hudson, Director of Career Development, School of Management | Cranfield University
  • We subscribe to the Workmaze recruitment guides and our students find these an easy-to-use, valuable source of information in their career planning and search. They allow the students to get an ‘at a glance’ view of the business area or region as well as providing them with valuable detail on contacts, deadline dates and application guidance for each company in a consistent format. Mike and his team are always open to feedback and ideas.

    Tony Somers Director, MBA Career Management Center | HEC School of Management
  • What really makes the Workmaze Guides a great resource for Careers Services is that they address one typical question from students about contact names for top recruiters. We are unable to answer this because it may jeopardize our relationship with recruiters. Instead we can advise students to check the Workmaze guides, not only to find out about top employers and their programs but also their contact information, which is also very valuable for our Recruiter Relations team.

    Ana Herranz Martin | I.E. Madrid
  • The University of Edinburgh Management School has subscribed to a range of Workmaze MBA Recruitment Guides for the past three years and our MBA students find them to be an invaluable source of MBA specific recruitment information and key personnel contacts. It is the only product on the market that provides such targeted MBA recruitment information. It is a pleasure to work with Mike who has always provided a very efficient and prompt service. I was particularly impressed when he responded to some feedback of mine to create a new product - the Workmaze Guide to the Top 100 Global MBA Recruiting Companies - and we now find it to be one of the most useful guides in the Workmaze portfolio.

    Aidan Hetherington, Careers & Corporate Relations Manager | University of Edinburgh Management School